Little Mix's LM5: Why this album matters

By vagueonthehow from Tadcaster, York, England - Little Mix, CC BY 2.0,

So, Little Mix just recently came out with their new album titled LM5, and I'm going to tell you why it matters, or should matter anyway.

If you don't know who Little Mix is, then I highly suggest that you google them. But to give you the short version, they are basically a 4 member girl group formed by Simon Cowell on the show X Factor UK in 2011. 

LM5 is their fifth studio album, and the standard version has around 14 songs, while the deluxe has 4 more. 

I've kind of always enjoyed Little Mix's music throughout the years. I first heard about them because one of the members, Perrie Edwards, was initially dating Zayn Malik (lol, I know, I was a fangirl, get over it)

Anyway, I've never been like a proper Little Mix fan, because their songs are either hits or complete misses with me. So, I wasn't expecting a whole lot from their new album, but I couldn't deny the fact that I was definitely excited when they first announced it.

So, when they released their new music, along with the rest of their tracks on their YouTube channel, I went on a listening spree. And let me tell you, it freaking changed my life.

Like each and every one of their songs on this album, is a complete banger. Like, oh my god.

The main theme throughout their songs is basically strong women and girl power, but each song sort of reflects upon it differently, which I will discuss more later.

But I was so blow away by this, man. Like, you know that feeling when you discover a new artist on YouTube and start listening to their songs and find out that each song is better than the last one, and before you know it,, you've spent like two hours listening to music that your whole body, mind, and soul vibes with. 

Yep, that is exactly how I felt, while listening to this album.

Here are of the songs that literally made me want to start a feminist revolt while dancing to their sick beats:

1. Notice

Reasons to love Notice by Little Mix

             Point lyrics: 

                                                  What's the point of wearing nothing if you never notice?

  • Basically, this song is like 'hey, you, I'm trying this hard to look good for you, but you're not even sparing me a glance, so I think I might take care of this myself"
  • Like, empowerment songs for women don't always have to talk about injustice or forming an army and starting a revolt
  • Sometimes empowerment can be as subtle as validating the emotions women feel by singing about it in a way that is positive and uplifting, which is what this song does
  • So, I love it!

2. Woman's World

Reasons to love Woman's World by Little Mix

  •  When I first listened to it, I was kind of skeptical because it sounded kinda slow compared to their other songs during my listening spree, so I thought it wouldn't have as stunning impact as their other songs, but OH BOY WAS I WRONG
  • Point lyrics:
 If you never been told how you gotta be

What you gotta wear, how you gotta speak
If you never shouted to be heard
You ain't lived in a woman's world
And if you can't see that it's gotta change
Only want the body and not the brains
If you think that's the way it works
You ain't lived in a woman's world

  • Like Holy Shit, just read these lines, i literally got shivers when I listened to them, and this is only a few of the lines from this amazingly heart-rendering song that talks about how if you haven't walked in our shoes, you have no idea how difficult and binding life is for women
  • Its just a really good song, and the amazing voices of these four girls brings each and every word to life

3. Joan of Arc

Reasons to love Joan of Arc by Little Mix

  • Not to sound biased but I LOVE THIS SONG, it is so so so so so so good
  • I literally dance to this every day, pretending I'm a badass female artist in her sold-out concert 
  • This song is all about self-love and girl power with like the perfect amount of sass
  • i personally love the first verse of the song because Leigh-Anne sings it like a queen who knows she can buy everything in the room and still have change left for the cab home.
  • There are so many good lyrics moments, but for me, its the start of the second verse where Jade is all like 
Make way for the G-O double D, E-S-S
I spare no enemies in this dress

Yesssssssssssssss. yessssssssss. yesssss.

Okay, so this post is getting quite long, so I'm gonna make a part 2 of this so I can list out some more of their songs. It's just that these three were the ones that I absolutely had to write about.

Or, if you're broke like me, it's all available to listen on their YouTube channel.

Let me know, which one of their songs made you go 🙌🙌 in the comments below.
